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In order to transfer the natural beauty of the plants to you, artificial substances are not being used, ultra-modern technology is used, all production stages are strictly controlled and followed. Growth stage, harvesting stage and obtaining the extract of the herbs are guaranteed by international certification companies, and their inspections are carried out in parallel. They are produced in extremely modern way with strict control and monitoring system in the Laber Kimya facilities that own Organic cosmetic production certification. In this way, these plants present their natural properties at the maximum level.
Iva Natura is certified organic cosmetics. This means that it is eco-friendly, safe and effective that has reached the highest international standards.
In order to transfer the natural beauty of the plants to you, artificial substances are not being used, ultra-modern technology is used, all production stages are strictly controlled and followed. Growth stage, harvesting stage and obtaining the extract of the herbs are guaranteed by international certification companies, and their inspections are carried out in parallel. They are produced in extremely modern way with strict control and monitoring system in the Laber Kimya facilities that own Organic cosmetic production certification. In this way, these plants present their natural properties at the maximum level.
Iva Natura is certified organic cosmetics. This means that it is eco-friendly, safe and effective that has reached the highest international standards.
TANAMERA is Malaysian and means "Red Earth". An appropriate name for a range of care products from plant materials that are grown in the fertile soil of the rainforest. TANAMERA combines the knowledge of effective traditional cures Asian plants with modern production techniques. TANAMERAs of respect for people and the environment embossed company philosophy dictates the avoidance of chemical dyes and fragrances and preservatives as well as an environmentally friendly and lovingly designed packaging of TANAMERA products for home and travel.
Huile de figue de barbarie
Huile d'argan
El escualeno tiene varias propiedades (según la Dirección General de Salud y Consumidores de la Comisión Europea) muy valoradas en cosmética:
- Antiestatíco
- Emoliente
- Acondicionador de piel
- Reengrasante
- Acondicionador de pelo
Un producto estupendo para la fabricación de productos cosméticos de calidad sin necesidad de la caza del tiburón, principal fuente de escualeno animal para cosmética.
Neem Oil is a real standout for skin care and is rich in fatty acids that build collagen and promote wound healing. Our Neem Oil is great for treating varying skin diseases such as eczema due to its anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.